My name is Mattias Neve. I live in Kista, Stockholm with my wife and our three children, where we are learning to live missional lives following Jesus and making disciples.

I work as national coordinator for Nätverket Församlingsutveckling (The Swedish Network for Church Development), as freelance speaker and consultant, and  coordinator for Urban Expression Sweden – an agency that recruits, trains and supports people for mission and church planting in socially vulnerable areas in Sweden.

I’m passionate about movements, creativity and new ways of being church in Post-Christendom cultures, missional, simple and emerging church and stuff like that. It all has resulted in that I’m pursuing a PhD in Contextual Missiology at the International Baptist Theological Seminary in Prague, titled “In Pursuit of Proximity – An inquiry into the Emerging Church phenomenon as a paradigm for the future shape of the church in socially vulnerable urban areas in Sweden.

You occasionally find me on Twitter.

If you want to get in contact with me, just send me an email: mattias(at)

Mattias Neve's Facebook profile

“It is time to listen carefully. Can you hear the grind and groan as the tectonic plates of our culture shift? We live on the fault lines of a widespread cultural change. Institutions are in decline. Ancient spiritualities have re-emerged. World music has collided with pop music. The centre looks out to the edge. In the midst of all this change, innovative expressions of church and worship are emerging across the globe.”
Steve Taylor, The Out of Bounds Church